It is the ancient Greek nation with its social customs and existential philosophy to our work philosophy presents a problem. 这是希腊这个古老民族用它的社会习俗和生存哲学向我们的工作哲学提出的一个问题。
Socity for Phenomenology and existential philosophy. 现象学和存在主义哲学学会。
The paper tries to give a general review and investigation of Professor Thaddaeus Hang's contribution to the Existential Philosophy research. 本文拟就项退结教授在存在哲学方面的研究作一全盘的探讨和审视。
An Outline of Research on the Existential Philosophy of Contemporary Western Marxism 当代西方马克思主义生存哲学研究论纲
Kierkegaard's contribution to existential philosophy is best described as "non-philosophy". 克尔凯郭尔对存在主义哲学的贡献是以一种“非哲学”的方式完成的。
The second transition from Kant's philosophy to the contemporary existential philosophy; 第二个大转向是从批判哲学到生存论哲学;
The existential philosophy which is current in the 20th century has a distinct idea of time, and they observe and study the being of human with the view angle of time. 盛行于二十世纪的存在主义哲学将时间内化为人的生存体验,以时间为视角去考察人类的存在。
Kierkegaard's thought of Christian philosophy has a great influence on 20 Century's existential philosophy and Christian theology. 克尔凯戈尔的基督教哲学对20世纪的存在哲学和基督教神学都产生了十分重要的影响。
The indigenous existentialism resource should obtain the corresponding recognition and study along with the rising upsurge of existential philosophy of 1990's. 随着哲学界九十年代兴起的生存哲学热,中国本土的生存资源必将得到进一步重视和研究。
The Marx's Critique of Economics and the Existential and Developing Patterns of Marxist Philosophy 马克思的经济学批判与马克思主义哲学的存在与发展方式
Existential philosophy in Lu Xun's works 鲁迅作品中生命群像的存在主义哲学色彩
Neither Huckleberry Finn nor the Harry Potter series expounds any existential philosophy but describes stories of concrete existence itself, reaches a unique understanding of it and discovers a way out of magical life situation. 《哈克贝利·芬历险记》和哈利·波特系列小说虽然都不是存在主义哲学著作,但是它们描写的是具体的存在本身,对存在有独到的理解,并且指明一条走出人生困境的光明大道。
On the Existential Philosophy of Miao and the Ocean Civilization 论苗族生成哲学与海洋文明
Comments on existential philosophy of FANG Dong-mei 论方东美的生存哲学
By the shifts between consciousness and reality, the blending of internal and external discourse, and the scene-like conflicts, his novels demonstrate confrontational and non-rational existential philosophy of his protagonists. 他的小说文本通过意识与现实的切换、对内对外两种话语指向的交融以及场面化的激烈辩驳,表现出了主人公们反传统理性的生存哲学。
Existential literature is a reflection of existential philosophy in literature. 存在主义文学是存在主义哲学观念在文学上的反映。
Education: Facing the Possible Existence ── The Ontological Analysis of the Existential Philosophy of Education on the Educatee's Probable Existence 教育:面向可能的存在&生存论教育哲学对受教育者存在可能性的本体论分析
Chapter 1 is to explain: the development of the philosophy of "theory of knowledge" and its main characteristics; the crisis of the philosophy of "theory of knowledge" and the birth of the existential philosophy. 在第一章中,本文阐明知识论哲学的发展脉络、其主要特征以及知识论哲学的危机与哲学的生存论路向的开启。
On the logic of history of philosophy, the ontology philosophy was also divided into two parts, one is metaphysical, and the other one is existential philosophy. 在哲学史的逻辑线索上,存在论哲学又分为两个部分,一是形而上学,一是生存论哲学。如果从哲学内容上分,则分为本体论和道德形而上学(包括伦理学)。
He expounded his view of freedom in his existential philosophy. 在其生存哲学中深刻地阐发了他的自由观点。
The people who "exist before death" reveal the existential philosophy that only in face of impending death can human beings have a profound awareness of their existence. 而向死而在的生命群像,则体现出人只有面临死亡,才能最深刻地体会到自己的存在的存在主义哲学观点。
These thoughts are existential philosophy of character in the novel in troubled times, and help them keep personal dignity and intellectual independence. 小说人物就是以这三种思想才在乱世中保存自己、保持个性尊严和思想独立的。
The second part discusses the theory resources of Existentialism, it respectively reviews and investigates the individual existential idea of modern western Existentialism and the existential wisdom of Chinese traditional philosophy; 第二部分探讨了生存哲学的学理资源,分别回顾和考察了现代西方生存哲学的个体生存观和中国传统哲学中的生存智慧;
Existential turn of contemporary philosophy is the one of the ontology form, that is, from transcendental, substantial and abstract ontology to sensibility's existential ontology. 生存论转向是整个当代哲学转型中哲学存在论从超验的、实体性的抽象本体论向奠基于现实生活世界之上的感性的、历史性的生存论本体论的转换。
It is an excellent postmodern fiction and its creation is heavily influenced by existential philosophy, especially Sartrean existentialism. 这是一部优秀的后现代主义小说,而且它的创作过程深受存在主义,尤其是萨特式存在主义思想的影响。
Her novel is a positive existential philosophy in the spirit of the vector, carrying the human optimism, the pursuit of the ideal of a beautiful wish. 她的小说是存在主义哲学观中积极精神的载体,承载了人类乐观向上,追求理想的一种美好愿望。
Ontology is on "being" in the theory. It is a theory that what is being and how to exit. Existential Philosophy is generated in nature, timing and historic. 存在论(Ontology)即关于存在的理论,是关于存在是什么以及存在如何存在的理论;生存论哲学是生成性的、时间性的、历史性的。
Literature intervention theory of Sartre is not alone, and his phenomenology and existential philosophy are inseparable. 萨特的文学介入说理论不是单独存在的,和他的现象学以及存在主义哲学都是分不开的。
Existential philosophy, too, in the painful experience for life experience, and turn it into strength, into a pool the wisdom of an ideal, a belief. 存在主义哲理也是如此,在痛苦的体验中获取人生经验,把它变成力量,凝聚成一种智慧,一种理想,一种信念。
Saul Bellow, as a writer who has high responsibility, echoes with the summons of his time, examines and thinks over the existential situation of mankind from the visual angle of existential philosophy through the Jewish culture. 作为具有高度责任心的作者,索尔·贝娄响应时代召唤,通过犹太文化从存在主义哲学的视角检查和思考了人类的生存状态。